Friday, February 28, 2014

Skin cancer gambol

hail to the cancer of the skin
you are many of a kind
you poke the people of yore
you sneak up - like a vine
you enter folks through the sun
and grow on them like blooms
if they do not pay attention
you will put them to ruin
heed to my little poem today
do not be a sun - bun like me
but be cautious and lather up
- your humble bumble bee.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday Me

Sunday morning papers
mourning the world's state
mooning about
life's little peculiarities
why - whom - where
nonsensical politicians
of any denonmination
only in for their own
(if I ruled the world
it would be different)
a benevolent autocratic
with a sense of humor!
Ach - what a waste!

Friday, February 21, 2014

A start

After the winter storms
arrives the spring?
alas here in the state
all we see is drip-drip
and slushy grayish snow
away washed the white
albeit - the equinox
a month off from now
always wondering if -if?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Winter puzzle

Thunder in winter
wintry thundering
unheard of
yet I hear
dark rumblings
on a stark morn
and it is coming
closer - will I
see sparks too?

Saturday, February 15, 2014


The screen on the laptop
died last night
and fear of losing
files of years gone
strangled my gut
because of course
lackadaisial as I am
I never did the crucial
now in years to come
I shall try to become
more efficient and savvy
not to be caught
in the users' conundrum

Friday, February 14, 2014

A branch - haiku

snowclad but naked
scintillating carrying
the winter burden

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sarah remembered

A foggy day
in London town
sounds infinitely
better than
a snowy day
in Maryland.
The kids love
the latter
Some of the adults
too - young
at heart -
but to walk
at twilight in
would be
a pre - St . Valentines
come true.
To sassy Sarah's
memory on a
forced house-bound
day somewhere.

Monday, February 10, 2014

"White paper"?

"white paper"
is my computer's
empty screen;
it can mean
a government's
wishes or programs;
in between
it can be origami
and other whatnots;
an authors start of
a novel or short;
so with these
empty thoughts
I still created
out of nothing

Saturday, February 08, 2014

"Monumental" Men

Film of Hilterian looting
reminded me: of rooting
for anything or anyone
beware: - do not succumb
to demonic leaders or fanatics
- they are much too emphatic
they will ensnare the souls
they will the minds control;
therefore always be sceptical
of men who are dogmatical!

Friday, February 07, 2014

Rodina - all mighty

A special day
the wintry Olympic games
that start in Sochi, Russia!
The competitions harden
the Russians
because they must win -
showing the might
Rodina Excelsia
The image of
Potemkin villages
have not been
in vain!

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Grandkids' future?

My grandsons and granddaughter
are so very far away
and to this very day
their smiles and their laughter
remains elusive and yet
through my "lorgnette"
running in their backyard
that is my vanguard
their future to author
they will go farther
I see valiant archers
for now: you play marauder!

Monday, February 03, 2014

6 ore weeks says the groundhog

I have had enough
of wintry stuff
why can't we have
blue skies above?
Must we have 6 more
of those snowy scores
and endure the cold?
ah - I shouldn't scold
brat - and all that
face the splat
and laugh it off -
the groundhog huff'd.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Down to earth - jetlag again

After a trip
long distance
the usual jetlag
- seeking advice
to combat this!

The older you get
the more diffult
it gets
- thanks a lot

A more palpable
appears in an email
- "I hear that
orgasms help!"