Thursday, November 16, 2006

Caveat emptor

whereas .. it holds the connection
whereas .. the web is spreading
whereas .. it globalizes the people
whereas .. the power is humongous
searchers stop!
if it is too good
it may be untruthful
if it fits your beliefs
it is in all likelihood false
if it is written or pictured
it may be illusory

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


To reach out
is to feel
to branch out
is to yield
to love
is just real.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Einstein and the bull

Einstein's hold on modern physics
exists only in our new world
his view is just a century old

whereas the painting people
from Lascaux and Altimira
drew a bull as sophisticated
as Picasso's and his faux steer

when craftsmen drew on the
mummies in the Pyramids
the cavemen had been dead for
at least twelwe k years

that day a bull appears on the moon
will unification of Einstein's ideas loom
from Santorini's shore to my lyrics.

With sincere apology to mr. Einstein.
Thanks to Leo Abernathy for our discussion.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Poem - meop

"A poem is never finished, only abandoned" Paul Valery.

It struck me - apply this to

Michelangelo's David
Brunelleschi's dome
Leonardo's Last Supper
anything in between
Einstein's theories
Beatles' music

if the Pyramids needed more magnitude -
the Hanging Gardens of Babylon needed extra daffodils -
that Beethoven's fifth missed one extra note

Will the love sonnets of Will S.
be better if another stanza would appear?

Can perfection be improved?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Feelings squeezed out of your gut
to the nth degree
but falling for it - absolutely not
I refuse the knee.
Blaming is easy
abscond adult
responsibility -
sadness remains.